What Is a Good Age to Read Lord of the Rings

  • #1

The mail service here got me to wondering. Did anyone read The Hobbit to you and if and so at what historic period? Accept you read the book to a child and if so what age? What is a good age for a kid to be read The Hobbit?

To answer my own: No ane read it to me; I haven't read to anyone. I think the ideal age would vary, but I'll say age v or and so would be a good time to endeavour.

  • #iii

My dad read The Hobbit (and The Lord of the Rings) to me when I was five, and I would say that it'south an ideal age, assuming at a) the child in question has a long plenty attention bridge and b) you don't listen them coming out extremely warped and spending their teen years hanging around online at volume give-and-take forums.

  • #seven

That's and then cute most "softening" the hobbit. Just I'm sure some parts would really be scary to a young child :).

I never had the hobbit read to me, and I didn't even choice it up myself until I was 17. I absolutely loved it, and personally I don't think I would have appreciated it as much if I had read information technology as a child. I wasn't a "dumb" kid or annihilation, I probably just would have gotten so much less out of information technology. I definitely recollect reading it to a young child is a good idea though. I'thou definitely going to read it to my children (when I have some). I'd say historic period 6 - 10 would be a good historic period to read it for the outset fourth dimension. And so hopefully choice information technology up subsequently in life to feel the full story when paired with LOTR, scary parts and all ;)

  • #8

I aggre. If y'all read small kids books full of imagination. Later in life they will gain the knowledge of imagination and will use information technology for many things. That is what my parents washed and now when I read a book I identify myself in that time menses and walk in the graphic symbol shoes and I compirend more than when I exercise that

  • #10

Maikanare said:

The post hither got me to wondering. Did anyone read The Hobbit to you and if and so at what age? Have you read the book to a child and if so what age? What is a expert age for a child to be read The Hobbit?

To answer my own: No one read it to me; I haven't read to anyone. I think the ideal historic period would vary, but I'll say age 5 or so would be a good time to try.

I read The Hobbit and LOTR many many times to my own three children during the 60s and 70s. That was such great fun! I fabricated up the voices to become with the characters (stage English for the goodies and gutter cockney for the baddies), and would lapse into American for the purely textual passages. Our whole family were Hobbit/LOTR freaks. Nosotros invited people over for "hobbit parties," in which people would clothes equally their favorite characters and served all the foods mentioned in the books, and nosotros attended Tolkien events as often as we could get to them. I guess my kids were about 7 through 11 at the time. Those were mellow times!


  • #11

My mom read the Hobbit to my sis, my dad, and me all as a family. I was nigh 8-nine I call up, something like that. I loved information technology, and then she went on to LOTR, and I was hooked. I probably wouldn't have read information technology until the movies came out, and I might even *gsap* be 1 of those who belives that PJ is a genius and should be praised with great praise and Tolkien didn't know what he was doing. (Sky forbid)

  • #12

The volume was read to me when I was virtually 7 or 8. I suppose whatever age from around v-nine would be ideal. Its certainly a universal book for younger and older children.

  • #thirteen

I had the Hobbit read to me in '96, which means I would have been 7 or 8. Nosotros were in the procedure of refurbishing our house after a flare-up pipe, so we had no telly. That was a adept age, I think, simply my sister would merely have been 5 or 6, and she coped with it. It just depends on the kid, actually :)

  • #16

I was actually twelve when i showtime read Lord Of The Rings, and i read The Hobbit after that.

The school library had lent out the copy of the Hobbit and so i read Lord Of The Rings start.

  • #18

I never thought of the technological and cultural advances that may make some of the things talked most in the books seem strange to young children today!

I e'er remember wondering what 'broiled' was when i first read the Hobbit ten years agone when i was twelve.

  • #nineteen

I was dislocated by the concept of a waistcoat, I think (especially when you go around pronouncing it 'weskit'--what on earth is that for?).


Source: https://www.thetolkienforum.com/threads/reading-the-book-to-children.16153/

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