How Read App Using Navigator Pc Windows 10
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Gps navigator recorder: it is an alternative to the traditional gps navigators. If with a normal gps navigator (later on setting the difference and inflow point), it is traced a route, and a voice guides you to your destination. WITH THIS APPLICATION You lot Tin TRACE A Road ON A MAP AND SAVE IT IN YOUR DEVICE (follow-me, the app track your route). In this style, y'all can replay an itinerary (on a map) of a road previously stored. You can import / export a local file (route track) on OneDrive. Likewise support for gpx files (as gpx player / viewer). App ideal for travel and tourism, likewise for car tracks gps / bike tracks gps / running tracks gps. It also provides a simple compass / magnetometer. Of import: Continued use of the GPS tin dramatically decrease bombardment life. Windows Phone may cease running the gps if battery level is low. YOUTUBE VIDEO: You have 4 modes of operation. one) The outset is a elementary compass synchronized with map. You lot tin disable this feature in the settings page "Synchronize map with compass (when follow or play is unactive)". If the pick is checked the map rotate with you, otherwise the map is e'er facing n. ii) Follow me and describe route on the map. In the card you must click on "Kickoff follow me / Cease follow me". This characteristic is enabled when the pick "Enable track road on map" in the settings card is checked. When you finish the role clicking on "Stop follow me" , the route will exist stored in the device. This style, if you go from point A to indicate B, you tin tape the route. three) Follow me and don't draw road on the map. In the menu you must click on "Start follow me / Terminate follow me". This feature is enabled when the selection "Enable track road on map" in the settings menu is not checked. When you stop the function clicking on "Stop follow me", the route will not be stored in the device. This manner, y'all tin follow a road on map previously stored and loaded (follow dorsum). four) Replay road on the map (a road previously stored in footstep two). In this way, when you are at domicile, you can replay a travel. Seeing the params as (course, speed, altitude). In that location is too a statistics page for each stored route (latitude divergence / inflow, longitude departure / inflow, time departure / arrival, speed minimum / maximum / average, altitude minimum / maximum / average). You tin can launch here map app on your location, to search for places/points of interest (confined, restaurants, shops, etc ...). TO Export A FILE ON GOOGLE EARTH, YOU MUST Exercise THE Post-obit STEPS!!! Go into the "Road files" folio, select a file (hold on the name) and click "Upload to onedrive". In the "TrackFolder" page (later y'all have logged) open the bill of fare below and click "Upload/Consign equally GPX rail". In your OneDrive account volition be created a folder named "TrackFolderExp", into this folder yous should find your gpx file. At present yous can take this gpx file and put on google world. Version 1.3.6/1.three.8: Bug fix. Version 1.3.5: Bug fix. Put the current map in the photograph gallery. Put the current map in the lock screen. This way you can run across where you accept parked your car, for example. Version one.3.4: Issues fix. Y'all can share your position on the social networks (facebook, twitter). You tin can cull a map type (route or satellite). You can choose an "emotion icon". Version 1.3.3: Bug fix. In the start screen, now y'all tin can encounter your position (address and city). Version 1.iii.2: Bug gear up. Distance graph page (accessed from the detail page through the push button at the lesser). Version ane.3.1: Bug fix. In the start screen you can now zoom the map without opening the panel. Version ane.iii: Added 2 new languages: Spanish and Portuguese. The compass needle, to ensure a instinctive reading similar to that of a heading indicator, is not directed to the north just indicates the direction in which y'all are facing. This tin differ from a existent compass in which the needle is e'er facing north. Yous can change this in the settings page, the "Enable compass direction/north" selection. Version i.2: Added basic support for gpx file. Yous can import a gpx file or export a registered file as gpx (more detail into the help page at the bottom). IMPORTANT: If the file you desire to load on the map is very large (more than g/1500 points), information technology takes a long time and the device will tiresome down. If you lot are a tourist, this app will exist useful to the holidays and leisure fourth dimension. Or on your travels to detect places or touristic city. Or automobile tracks gps - bike tracks gps - running tracks gps ☺ Features ane) Compass ii) Gps navigation three) Track your route on map iv) Follow me on map 5) Replay a road previously stored 6) Save the route in your device vii) Import/consign a local file on OneDrive 8) Share touristic itineraries 9) Webcams nearby your position 10) Launch here maps app xi) Support for gpx files (as gpx actor / viewer) 12) Machine tracks gps / Bicycle tracks gps / Running tracks gps 13) Chart distance (ground design) 14) You tin share your position on the social networks (facebook, twitter). Y'all tin choose a map type (route or satellite). Y'all tin can choose an "emotion icon" 15) Put the electric current map in the lock screen. This fashion you tin can run into where you lot accept parked your auto, for example 16) Put the current map in the photo gallery
Additional information
Become this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to 10 Windows ten devices.
Language supported
English (United states)
Italiano (Italia)
Italiano (Svizzera)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Português (Brasil)
Español (Argentina)
Español (Venezuela)
Español (Bolivia)
Español (Chile)
Español (Colombia)
Español (Costa Rica)
Español (República Dominicana)
Español (Ecuador)
Español (El Salvador)
Español (Guatemala)
Español (Republic of honduras)
Español (México)
Español (Nicaragua)
Español (Panamá)
Español (Paraguay)
Español (Perú)
Español (Puerto Rico)
Español (Estados Unidos)
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